PRC Agendas and Minutes 2015-2016


  • Reviews plans related to district physical resources including facilities, equipment, land and other assets
  • Assesses the effective use of physical resources
  • Reviews:
    • Five-year facilities plan
    • State capital outlay projects
    • Local bond projects
    • Scheduled maintenance plans and activities
    • Hazardous mitigation programs
    • Facility master plans
    • Ancillary costs related to new construction


Santa Ana College
Santiago Canyon College
District Office
Michael Collins
Jim Granitto - Co-chair
Peter Hardash - Chair
Nilo Lipiz
Arleen SateleCarri Matsumoto
Ray Hicks
Patricia AlvanoAdam O'Connor
Michael TurrentineJoseph YorbaDarryl Taylor
Vacant (Faculty)Victoria WilliamsDiane Hill
Raul Rodriguez - Ex-Officio
Agendas with MaterialsAdditional HandoutsApproved Minutes
September 2, 2015
(e-mail only)
October 7, 2015 CCCCO BOG Awards 9-21-2015 October 7, 2015
November 4, 2015 November 4,2015
February 3, 2016
(e-mail only)
March 2, 2016   March 2,2016
April 6, 2016
  (e-mail only)
May 4, 2016              May 4, 2016

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