Health Advocate



(866) 799-2728   
Employee Code 7235XF4​​

The district has contracted with Health Advocate to help our employees and their families with some of their benefit issues.  Their team of personal Health Advocates will help you and your family:

  • Find the right doctors, hospitals and other leading healthcare providers anywhere in the country. This includes locating providers in your local plan’s network.
  • Help schedule appointments with providers including hard-to-reach specialists and critical care providers, arranging for specialized treatments and tests when serious illness strikes.
  • Answer questions about test results, treatment recommendations, and medications recommended or prescribed by your physician.
  • Help you get the most out of your doctor visit – how to prepare, questions to ask.
  • Obtain unbiased health information to help make an informed decision.
  • Assist in the transfer of medical records, x-rays and lab results for a second opinion recommended by your doctor.
  • Locate and research the newest treatments for a medical condition.
  • Assist with finding qualified wellness programs and other resources to help you live a healthy life.
  • Save time with one-stop advice instead of needing to make multiple phone calls and information searches.  

Health Advocate is available to you and your family, including your spouse, dependent children, parents and parents-in-law, at no cost.  As an employee you are automatically enrolled in the Health Advocate service - free of charge! So, when you have an issue, simply call the toll-free number and a Personal Health Advocate will answer your questions, do the research needed, and provide you with options and follow-up with you.

For more information visit the Health Advocate support page which has flyers on a variety of health issues.

                                                                                       Heart Healthy Tips

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