First Responder Spotlight Allysa Shim

Allysa Shim: From SCC to the Frontlines of Pediatric Nursing​

Allysa Shim's journey to becoming a nurse began with a passion for helping others and a deep love for children. Today, she stands on the cusp of significantly impacting the healthcare field, drawing on the experiences and education she gained at Santiago Canyon College (SCC).

Currently enrolled in an Entry-Level Master's of Nursing program, Allysa has recently completed the pre-licensure phase and is preparing to embark on the Master's portion with a focus on Nurse Education. She is not just content with the theoretical knowledge, she's also working as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) to gain hands-on experience and enhance her clinical practice and patient interaction skills. Having successfully passed the NCLEX, Allysa is now pursuing a career as a Registered Nurse in pediatrics, with aspirations of eventually obtaining a Nurse Practitioner certificate.

Allysa's path to nursing was influenced by both personal experiences and academic encounters. Her journey began unexpectedly when she took a Child Development course as a prerequisite for nursing school applications. She quickly realized that she had found her calling, which led her to pursue an Associate's Degree in Child Development at SCC. “Working with preschool children and witnessing their curiosity and eagerness to learn about the world was incredibly fulfilling," Allysa recalls. This newfound passion for child development, coupled with her desire to serve others through healthcare, set her on the path to becoming a pediatric nurse.

Santiago Canyon College played a pivotal role in Allysa's academic and personal development. She initially chose SCC for its proximity to home, but the supportive environment and dedicated professors made her stay. The smaller class sizes allowed her to forge deeper connections with both her instructors and peers, making her learning experience more engaging and impactful.

One professor who left a lasting impression on Allysa was Professor Sandra Sanchez, her Physiology instructor. “She made the class enjoyable and memorable by using anecdotes that helped us grasp complex concepts," Allysa recalls. The lessons she learned in this class laid a strong foundation for her nursing studies, particularly in understanding neurotransmitters and arterial blood gases—concepts that have been crucial in her clinical practice.

Allysa's dedication to her studies and her passion for the subject was evident when Professor Sanchez invited her to become a Supplemental Instructor for the Physiology class. This role allowed Allysa to deepen her understanding of human physiology further while helping her peers grasp challenging concepts, ultimately reinforcing her desire to apply this knowledge in a clinical setting.

Allysa credits much of her success to the unwavering support of her family, particularly her mother, who has been her biggest cheerleader throughout nursing school. “My mom has always been there to help me practice my clinical skills and provide encouragement whenever I needed it," Allysa shares. This support and the drive to positively impact her patients' lives motivate Allysa to give her best every day.

As Allysa Shim steps into her role as a pediatric nurse, she carries with her the values, knowledge, and experiences she gained at SCC. Her journey is a testament to the power of education, community support, and a deep-rooted desire to serve others. ​

Contact: Chi-Chung Keung

Phone: (714) 480-7503
