News Release

Santa Ana College Receives $2 Million to Help Students on the Path to Employment


Sept. 8, 2023Rep. Lou Correa (CA-46) recently joined the Rancho Santiago Community College District (RSCCD) with an oversized check for $2 million to mark the allocation of federal funding for Santa Ana College (SAC), that he secured through advocacy efforts at the federal level. SAC's vision for the use of this federal support is clear: to create a range of innovative training programs tailored specifically to uplift individuals from disadvantaged communities.  

"This funding enables Santa Ana College to move toward equitable pandemic recovery, to diversify the workforce, and to broaden engagement and access by marginalized populations," said SAC President Dr. Annebelle Nery. 

SAC plans to use the funds to develop complete career technical Education (CTE) pathways for disadvantaged, dislocated or at-risk adult learners that start in noncredit courses (e.g., CTE skill development, basic skills and English) and transition to credit certificate and degree programs.  


Some of the pathways include: 

  • Advanced Manufacturing 

  • Health 

  • Information & Communication Technology 

  • Work Experience/Internships 

These programs will be designed to equip those from disadvantaged communities with the necessary skills and resources to enter high-wage careers that offer family-sustaining wages.  

"Programs like these are impactful because they have the power to reshape our community. They offer new horizons and opportunity for everyone and demonstrate the importance of investing in education," said RSCCD Chancellor Marvin Martinez. 
The federal funding is part of the nearly $30 million that Rep. Lou Correa secured for community projects throughout California’s 46th congressional district in the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) omnibus appropriations bill. The support from Rep. Lou Correa signifies a significant step toward building a more inclusive and prosperous future for Santa Ana College, where education becomes a transformative force for all residents.  ​

Contact: Dalilah Davaloz

Phone: (714) 564-5527
