Bond Oversight Committee Agenda

Rancho Santiago Community College District
2323 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92706
Thursday, January 15, 2015 - 6:00 p.m.
District Board Room
[ PDF ]
1.Call to Order and IntroductionsInformation
2.Annual Organizational Meeting Action
  • Election of Committee Officers (Chair and Co-Chair)
  • Adoption of schedule of meeting dates for 2015/16
    • May 28, 2015
    • September 10, 2015
    • January 21, 2016 (annual organizational)
  • Affirmation of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Ethics Policy Statement
  • Affirmation of Bylaws
3.Public Presentations
The public is invited to directly address the committee on any item of interest that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Bond Oversight Committee. The committee is not permitted to take action on any item not appearing on the agenda. The chairman may limit the time allocated to such comments from the public.
4.Approval of Minutes - September 25, 2014Action
5.Approval of the Measure E - June 30, 2014 Audits (Performance and Financial)
6.District Update
Raúl Rodríguez, Chancellor
7.Bond Projects Update
Carri Matsumoto, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Facility Planning
8.Bond Budget Update
Adam O’Connor, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Fiscal Services
9.College Updates
• Santa Ana College - Dr. Michael Collins, Vice President
• Santiago Canyon College - John Weispfenning, President
10.Comments from MembersDiscussion
11.Adjournment Action

The mission of the Rancho Santiago Community College District is to provide quality educational programs and services that address the needs of our diverse students and communities.