The Sustainable RSCCD Committee is a participatory governance committee, working with the campus committees, responsible for raising awareness within the district and making recommendations to the Chancellor concerning the conservation of energy and other resources and the implementation of sustainability practices that impact the district and community.
- Promote and nurture new patterns of thinking about college and district operations, practices, learning programs, support services and the relation to the local community that include consideration of conservation of energy and sustainability.
- Develop a comprehensive plan to achieve climate neutrality.
- Create institutional structures and identify resources relating to conservation of energy and sustainability to guide and support the implementation of the comprehensive plan.
- Complete an inventory of all greenhouse gas emissions and update that inventory.
- Encourage the development of curriculum that raises awareness about climate neutrality and sustainability and that offers a career path to employment in "green" technologies.
- Review the status of and develop objectives related to improving and maintaining the "green infrastructure" of the district and colleges.
- Provide periodic progress reports on the accomplishments of the committee.
Vision Statement
The Rancho Santiago Community College District holds sustainability to be a foundational principle in its current and future development. As a responsible steward of natural resources and the environment, the District will endeavor to minimize its impact on the environment by implementing best practices for conserving resources, reducing waste, implementing energy reduction and alternative energy generation strategies, constructing efficient buildings, and by developing partnerships that will further these activities.
Draft RSCCD 2025 Sustainability Plan
The Sustainability RSCCD Committee (SRC) Committee is developing a 2025 Sustainability Plan to:
- Replace existing 2015 Sustainability Plan.
- Refine goals and objectives to better reflect District and State sustainability goals.
- Incorporate Administrative Regulation 6012 Sustainable Practices and the California Community College Chancellor's Office Climate Action and Sustainability Goals (both revised in 2021).
- Implement more efficient and streamlined reporting in order to increase value of sustainability efforts.
Sustainability Plan
The Sustainable RSCCD Committee finalized work on the Rancho Santiago Community College District Sustainability Plan in February 2015. The plan was approved by the Board of Trustees at its meeting of March 9, 2015. To view the plan and subsequent reports, click on the links below.
Rancho Santiago Community College District Sustainability Plan
Programs, Projects and Planning Implementation List - Revised May 20, 2020
Districtwide Water Conservation Efforts Presentation to the Board - May 16, 2016
Sustainability Plan 2014-2016 Report
Sustainability Report - 2016-2018
Exhibit A - Sustainability Plan Pamphlet
Exhibit B - SAC Bicycle Racks and Hydration Stations Map
Exhibit C - SCC Bicycle Racks and Hydration Stations Map
Exhibit D - SAC Central Mall Landscape Walking Tour
Exhibit E - Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption 2010-2018
Sustainability Report - 2018-2021
Exhibit A - SAC Bicycle Racks and Hydration Stations Map
Exhibit B - SCC Bicycle Racks and Hydration Stations Map
Exhibit C - Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption 2010-2020
Sustainability Report - 2021-2023
Exhibit A - SAC Bicycle Racks and Hydration Stations Map
Exhibit B - SCC Bicycle Racks and Hydration Stations Map
Exhibit C - Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption 2012-2023
Tips for Reducing Paper and Plastic Use
Reducing Paper and Plastic Use in 3 Easy Steps
NEW SAC Bicycle Racks and Hydration Stations Map
NEW SCC Bicycle Racks and Hydration Stations Map
Vice President, Admin Svcs Bart Hoffman
| Vice President, Admin Svcs Arleen Satele | Asst. Vice Chancellor Carri Matsumoto, Chair
Vice President, Continuing Ed Jim Kennedy
| Dean, Student Services Joanne Armstrong | Director, Purchasing Services Linda Melendez |
Faculty Kelvin Leeds Craig Ursuy | Faculty Vanessa Engstrom Daniel Oase | Director, Facility Planning Tae Kim
Classified Staff Vacant | Classified Staff Ambar Nakagami
| Classified Staff Simone Wolfe |
Student Genesis Garcia Han Nguyen | Student Valerie Lopez Giovanna Ortiz | Energy & Sustainability Manager Alejandro Alcala
Meetings are held from 3 - 4 p.m. (Location TBD)
Previous Meeting Agendas & Notes