Board Meetings
Rancho Santiago Community College District is home to two colleges and seven continuing education centers throughout the Central Orange County area. In addition, the college district presents convenient community education courses in many other locations in cooperation with its education and community partners.
The purpose of all special and regular meetings of the board is to conduct the official business of the district. These meetings are held in public. The board invites residents and other interested parties of the community to attend its regular and special meetings and to fully understand its work.
The board generally meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month during the academic year with exceptions made when a holiday falls on a board meeting date. Meetings start at 5:30 p.m. in the board room (#107) of the college district’s operations center, 2323 North Broadway, Santa Ana, California. For more information, or to reach the board’s Executive Assistant, call (714) 480-7452.
January 13 February 24 March 10 (Board Retreat) March 24 April 14 (SAC) April 28 (SCC) May 12 May 27 (Tuesday) June 9 June 23 July 14 August 11 September 15 September 29 October 13 (SCC) October 27 (SAC) November 10 December 8 #
# - Self-Evaluation