Understanding who our students are helps us to better serve them. We are pleased to provide you with this dashboard that allows you to view and interact with the data in an easy-to-use format. This dashboard gives broad overview of the Rancho Santiago Community College District, its colleges, Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College, and their college credit students’ demographics and outcome data.
As you navigate, interact and manipulate the data, be mindful of the results and its parameters as you interpret your findings. Please note the sources of data and when data was populated to create these tables, as well as any specific notations used in creating these visuals; therefore, comparisons among different sources should be used with caution. Should you have questions or concerns, please contact our office at (714) 480-7468 or Tyler Nguyen at (714) 480-7469 for assistance.
Tips for using the dashboard:
- Either select a topic panel in the homepage or click on the page numbers below the dashboard to navigate to the selected report.
- To go back to the homepage, click on the back arrow on the top left hand side of each page.
- To make full screen, click on the double headed arrow in the lower right.
- College filter set to "All" implies the report is at district level.
- In charts, clicking on an individual bar, line, or pie chart slice will filter to that element. Clicking on that same element or in the white space in the chart will re-select all elements.
- In tables, click on column headers to sort. Columns without a sort arrow cannot be sorted.
- Tables may have scroll bars on the bottom or right side.