Board Policies and Administrative Regulations


Chapter 1 - The District​  


​Board Policy

​Administrative Regulation

​The Rancho Santiago Community College District
BP 1100

​District Mission
​BP 1200

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Chapter 2 - Board of Trustees  


​Board Policy

​Administrative Regulation

​Board Membership
​BP 2010

​Student Member
BP 2015

​Board Elections
​BP 2100

​Election of Student Member
​BP 2105
​AR 2105
​Vacancies on the Board
​BP 2110
​AR 2110
​Board Duties and Responsibilities
​BP 2200
BP 2210

​Committees of the Board 
BP 2220
​Annual Organizational Meeting
​BP 2305
​Regular Meetings of the Board
​BP 2310

​Closed Sessions
​BP 2315
​Special and Emergency Meetings
​BP 2320
AR 2320
​Teleconferenced Meetings
AR 2325
​Quorum and Voting
BP 2330
​BP 2340
AR 2340
​Public Participation at Board Meetings
BP 2345
BP 2350
​BP 2355
BP 2360
AR 2360
BP 2365
AR 2365​
​Board Policies and Administrative Regulations
​BP 2410
AR 2410
​Delegation of Authority to the Chancellor
​BP 2430
AR 2430​
​Chancellor Selection
BP 2431
​AR 2431
​Chancellor Succession
BP 2432
​Evaluation of the Chancellor
BP 2435
​Participation in Local Decision Making
​BP 2510​AR 2​510.1 - Academic Senates
AR 2510.2 - Classified Professionals
AR 2510.3 - Students
​Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals
​BP 2610
AR 2610
​Conflict of Interest
​BP 2710
AR 2710
​Conflict of Interest Code

AR 2712
Exhibit A​​​​
​Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice
BP 2715
Political Activity​
BP 2716
​Personal Use of Public Resources
BP 2717
​Communications Among Board Members
BP 2720
​Board Member Compensation
BP 2725
​Board Member Health
​BP 2730
​Board Member Travel
BP 2735
​Board Education
BP 2740
​Board Self-Evaluation
BP 2745
Board of Trustees Assessment of District Goals and Strategic Objectives​
​BP 2746
​Historical Documents
​BP 2747
​Board Member Absence from State
BP 2750
​Trustee Area Redistricting
BP 2755

​Campaign Limitations
​BP 2760

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Chapter 3 - General Institution​ ​ ​ 


​Board Policy

​Administrative Regulation

​Organizational Structure
BP 3100
AR 3100
​BP 3200
AR 3200​
​Institutional Effectiveness
BP 3225
AR 3225​
​Institutional Planning
BP 3250
AR 3250​
​BP 3280
AR 3280
​Public Records
BP 3300
AR 3300
​Records Retention and Destruction
BP 3310
​AR 3310
​BP 3410
AR 3410​
​Accessibility of Electronic and Information Technology
BP 3411
AR 3411
​Contracts - Accessibility of Information Technology

AR 3412
​Equal Employment Opportunity
BP 3420​
AR 3420
​Title IX Sexual Harassment (Interim)
AR 3425
​Prohibition of Harassment
BP 3430
AR 3430
​Discrimination and Harassment Investigations
​AR 3435
​Service Animals
​BP 3440
AR 3440
​District Safety
​BP 3500
​AR 3500
Campus Security and Access​
BP 3501
AR 3501
AR 3501.1 - Procedures
AR 3501.2 - Form 1
AR 3501.3 - Form 2
AR 3501.4 - Form 3
​​Networked Video Cameras
BP 3502
AR 3502​​
​Emergency Response Plan
BP 3505​
AR 3505​
​Workplace Violence
​BP 3510
AR 3510
​Reporting of Crimes
BP 3515
​AR 3515
​Registered Sex Offender Information
​AR 3516
Child Abuse Reporting​
​BP 3518
​AR 3518
​Local Law Enforcement
BP 3520AR 3520
​Weapons on Campus
BP 3530
AR 3530
Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus​
BP 3540
AR 3540
Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program​
BP 3550
AR 3550
​Alcoholic Beverages
​BP 3560
AR 3560​
​Smoking on Campus
​BP 3570
AR 3570
​Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
BP 3580
​AR 3580
Auxiliary Organizations
BP 3600
AR 3600
Securing of Copyright​
BP 3710
​Intellectual Property
BP 3715
​Computer and Network Use
​BP 3720
AR 3720
​Information Security - Logging and Monitoring
​BP 3730

​AR 3730.1
​Data Governance
​BP 3​750
​AR 3750.1
Claims Against the District​
​BP 3810
AR 3810​
BP 3820
AR 3820​
​Gift Ban Policy
BP 3821
​AR 3821
​Speech: Time, Place and Manner
BP 3900
AR 3900

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Chapter 4 - Academic Affairs​ ​ ​ 


​Board Policy

​Administrative Regulation

​Academic Calendar
BP 4010
AR 4010​
​Program, Curriculum and Course Development
​BP 4020
AR 4020
​Program Discontinuance
AR 4021
​Course Approval
BP 4022
AR 4022
​Hours and Units
BP 4023
AR 4023
​Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education
BP 4025
​AR 4025
​Baccalaureate Degree Programs
​BP 4025B
AR 4025B
​​Philosophy and Criteria for International Education
AR 4026
​Academic Freedom
BP 4030
AR 4030
​Library and Learning Support Services
​BP 4040
​AR 4040
BP 4050
AR 4050
​Delineation of Functions Agreements
​BP 4060
​Course Auditing and Auditing Fees
​BP 4070
Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates​
BP 4100
AR 4100
​Independent Study
​AR 4101
​Career Education Programs
AR 4102
​Work-Based Learning
AR 4103
​Contract Education
AR 4104
​Distance Education
AR 4105
​Nursing Programs
BP 4106
AR 4106
​Honorary Degrees
​BP 4110
​Standards of Scholarship
BP 4220
AR 4220
​Remedial Coursework
AR 4222
​Course Repetition
​BP 4225
​AR 4225
Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments​
BP 4226
AR 4226
​Repeatable Courses
​AR 4227
​Course Repetition - Significant Lapse of Time
AR 4228
​Course Repetition - Variable Units
AR 4229
​Grading and Academic Record Symbols
BP 4230
​AR 4230
​Grade Changes
BP 4231
AR 4231
​Pass/No Pass
​AR 4232
​Credit for Prior Learning
​BP 4235
AR 4235​​
​Advanced Placement Credit
AR 4236
​Academic Renewal
​BP 4240
AR 4240
​Probation, Dismissal and Readmission
BP 4250
AR 4250
​Prerequisites and Corequisites
BP 4260
AR 4260
​Field Trips and Excursions
BP 4300
​AR 4300
​Community Services Programs
BP 4400
AR 4400​
​Educational Research
BP 4410
AR 4410​
​Student News Media
​AR 4500
​​Instructional Service Agreements
AR 4610

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Chapter 5 - Student Services​ ​ 


​Board Policy

​Administrative Regulation

​Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment
BP 5010
AR 5010
AR 5011
​International Students
AR 5012
​Residence Determination
​BP 5015
AR 5015​
Non-Resident Tuition​BP 5020
AR 5020
BP 5030
AR 5030
​Withholding of Student Records
BP 5035
Student Records, Directory Information and Privacy​ ​BP 5040
AR 5040
AR 5045
​Military Withdrawals
BP 5049
​Student Success and Support Program
​BP 5050
​Open Enrollment
BP 5052
​Enrollment Priorities
BP 5055
AR 5055
BP 5110
​Transfer Center
BP 5120
​Financial Aid
​BP 5130
AR 5130​
​Disabled Students Programs and Services
BP 5140
​Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
​BP 5150
​Student Health Services
BP 5200
AR 5200
​Standards of Student Conduct/ Mental Health Clearance

AR 5201
​Student Accident Insurance
BP 5205​
​Communicable Disease
​BP 5210

​Shower Access for Homeless Students
​​BP 5220
​Student Equity
BP 5300
​Associated Students Organization
BP 5400
​Associated Students Elections
​BP 5410
​Associated Students Finance
BP 5420
​Activities and Excursions
​BP 5421
​Standards of Student Conduct
​BP 5​500​​​
​AR 5500
​Student Athletics/Activities Code of Conduct
BP 5501
​AR 5501
​Off-Campus Student Organizations
BP 5510
​​Student Discipline Procedures
AR 5520​​
​Student Rights and Grievances
AR 5530
​Student Credit Card Solicitations
BP 5570
​AR 5570
​Intercollegiate Athletics
BP 5700
​Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions
​BP 5800

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Chapter 6 - Business & Fiscal Affairs  


​Board Policy

​Administrative Regulation

​Equitable Opportunities for Business Enterprises
​BP 6010
AR 6010​
​Interaction With and Solicitation From Private Businesses
​BP 6011
​Sustainable Practices
​BP 6012
AR 6012
​Energy and Water Conservation
BP 6013
​Location of District Sponsored Events
​BP 6014
​Food and Meeting Refreshments
BP 6015
​Delegation of Authority - Business and Fiscal Affairs
​BP 6100
AR 6100
​Designation of Authorized Signatures
​BP 6150
AR 6150

​Budget Preparation
BP 6200
AR 6200
​Budget Management
BP 6250
AR 6250​
​Fiscal Management
BP 6300 AR 6300
​Payment - Goods and Services
BP 6301
Accounting for Monies Collected​
BP 6302
​Fiscal Accountability
​BP 6303
​AR 6303
AR 6305​
​Debt Issuance and Management
BP 6307
AR 6307​
​BP 6320
AR 6320​
​BP 6330
AR 6330​
​Fiduciary and Legal Considerations
​BP 6331
​Competitive Bidding and Quotation Policies
BP 6332
AR 6332
BP 6340
​Financial Audits
BP 6400
AR 6400
Wireless or Cellular Telephone Use​
​BP 6450
AR 6450​
​Property Management
​BP 6500
​AR 6500
​Plant Maintenance and Operations General Policy Statement
BP 6501
​Outside Governing Agencies
BP 6502
​Inventory Control
​BP 6503
​AR 6503
​Moveable Inventory Control Responsibilities
BP 6504
​AR 6504
​Inventory Order Quantity and Storage Controls
BP 6505
AR 6505
​District Property, Security, Privacy and Searches
BP 6506
Information Technology Services - Copyright of Software​
BP 6507
AR 6507​
​Security for District Property
​BP 6520
​AR 6520
​Disaster Recovery
​BP 6521

​District Vehicles

AR 6530
​BP 6540
AR 6540
​Disposal of Property
BP 6550
​AR 6550
Capital Construction​
​BP 6600
AR 6600
​Facility Modification and New Construction
​BP 6601
​AR 6601
AR 6601.1 - Request
AR 6601.2 - Facilities Assessment​​​
AR 6601.3 - Approval
AR 6601.4 - Close Out
AR 6601.4A - FY Accounting Summary
AR 6601.5 - Corrective Action Notice​
​Facility Construction Standards
BP 6602
AR 6602
​Informal Bidding Procedures Under the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act
​BP 6603
AR 6603
​Scheduled Maintenance
BP 6604
AR 6604​
Selection of Architects​
​BP 6605
AR 6605
Opportunities for Local Hires and Local Business on District Capital Improvement and Construction Projects​
BP 6610
​AR 6610
AR 6610.1 - Participation Statement
AR 6610.2 - Instructions
AR 6610.3 - Options
AR 6610.4  -Attachment 1
AR 6610.5 - Attachment 2
​Naming District Properties and Facilities
​BP 6620
AR 6620​
​Civic Center and Other Facilities Use
​BP 6700
AR 6700
​Citizens Oversight Committee
​BP 6740
​Vehicle Operation and Parking
​BP 6750
AR 6750
BP 6751
​Donation of Vehicles
BP 6752
AR 6752
​BP 6800
BP 6900
​Auxiliary Food Service Operation
​BP 6901
​BP 6910

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Chapter 7 - Human Resources  


​Board Policy

​Administrative Regulation

​Code of Ethics
​BP 7001
BP 7002
​BP 7003
​Outside Employment
​BP 7004
Personnel Files​BP 7005
AR 7005​
​Service Recognition
BP 7006
​Staff Development
BP 7009
Commitment to Diversity​
​BP 7100
AR 7100​
​Delegation of Authority - Human Resources
BP 7110
AR 7110
​Recruitment and Hiring
​BP 7120
​AR 7120
AR 7120.1 - Fu​ll-Time Faculty
AR 7120.2 - Classified Employee
AR 7120.3 - Management
AR 7120.5 - Employee Transfer
AR 7120.6 - Employment Eligibility
AR 7120.8 - Verif of Driver License
AR 7120.9 - After Conviction
Applicant Travel Reimbursement​
​BP 7121
AR 7121
BP 7130
​Management Salary Schedule - Placement and Advancement
BP 7131
​AR 7131
​Management Medical/Dental Insurance Benefits
BP 7132
​Management Holidays
​BP 7133
AR 7133
​Reclassification and Special Pay

AR 7135
​Collective Bargaining
​BP 7140
​Organizations Right of Access
​BP 7141
​Employee Evaluation
BP 7150
AR 7150
AR 7150.1 - Confidential Employee
AR 7150.2 - Management
​Professional Development
​BP 7160
AR 7160
​Academic Employees
​BP 7210
​Classified Employees
BP 7230
​Confidential Employees
​BP 7240
​Educational Administrators
BP 7250
AR 7250
​Classified Supervisors and Managers
BP 7260
AR 7260
​Remote Work
AR 7280
AR 7280 - Appendix I​ (Remote Work Agreement)​
​BP 7310
AR 7310​
​Communicable Disease
​BP 7330
​AR 7330
​Health Examinations
BP 7335
​Employee Fingerprinting
AR 7337
BP 7340
AR 7340.1 - Maternity
AR 7340.2 - Vacation - Management
AR 7340.3 - Sick Leave-Mgmt/Confiden
AR 7340.4​ - Industrial
​Catastrophic Leave Program
​BP 7345
​Employees Called to Military Duty
​AR 7346
​Faculty Pre-Retirement
BP 7348
AR 7348
​BP 7350
AR 7350
​Discipline and Dismissal - Academic Employees
​BP 7360
​Discipline and Dismissal - Classified Employees
​BP 7365
AR 7365​
​Political Activity
BP 7370
​Retiree Health Benefits - Academic Employees
​BP 7380
​Salary Deductions
BP 7385
BP 7400
AR 7400​
BP 7500
AR 7500​
​Domestic Partners
BP 7510
​Campus Security Officers
BP 7600
AR 7600
​Whistleblower Protection
BP 7700
AR 7700​

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