Planning and Organizational Effectiveness Committee


  • De​velop and monitor implementation of the RSCCD Comprehensive Master Plan and the RSCCD Strategic Plan
  • Ensure that District Planning processes follow the processes and timelines outlined in the RSCCD Planning Design Manual
  • Provide leadership for coordination of district and college planning activities
  • Prepare the annual Progressive Report on the RSCCD Comprehensive Master Plan
  • Coordinate date to be presented at annual Board of Trustees planning activity
  • Coordinate accreditation activities between colleges and District Services including the delineation of District/College Functions
  • Review institutional research activities and results
  • Review resource development initiatives

POE Committee Planning Calendar:



​​•   P​lan​ for Presentation to Board of Trustees​​

​​​•​   Governance Committees Review Committee Purpose, Responsibilities, Membership, and Create
     Committee  Annual Goals
​​•​   ​Review Progress Towards Strategic Plan (from colleges/District Services) District Services Units 
​​•​   ​​Submit Portfolios & Budget Allocation Requests

​​​•​   ​​​Review District Services Planning Portfolios
​​​•​   Governance Committees Submit Requests for Resource Allocation
​​​​•​   Strategic Plan Update Presentation to the Board of Trustees
​​​•​   ​Reviews Requests for Resource Allocation (from Governance Committees and District Services 
​​​•​   Using Established Rubric
​​​•​   Submits Resource Allocation Request Priorities to FRC​​
​​​•​   ​​FRC Reviews and Submits Resource Allocation Priorities to District Council
​​​•​   ​District Council Reviews Resource Allocation Priorities and Funding Analysis and Makes Funding Decision
​​​​•​   ​Colleges Conduct Local Allocation Prioritization Processes
​​​​•​   Annual Governance Committees Retreat (if needed)
​​​•​   ​Survey to Participatory Governance Committees on Planning Process​
​​​•​   Governance Committees Evaluate Committee Annual Goals

POE Membership:​​
​​San​ta ​Ana College​​​​​​​
Santiago Canyon College
Dr. Jeffrey Lamb, 
Vice President, Academic Affairs
​Dr. Jason Parks,
Vi​ce President, Academic​ Affairs
Enrique Perez, Chair, 
Vice ​Chancellor, Educational Services
​Dr. Vaniethia Hubbard,
Vice President, Student Services
Christopher Sweeten,
Vice President, Student Services
Dr. James Kennedy, 
Vice President, Continuing Education
Dean of Academic Affairs, (Vacant)
Aaron Voelcker,
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, Library & Learning Support Services
​Sarah Santoyo, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Educational Services
Claire Coyne, Co-Chair
Academic Senate President
Tara Kubicka-Miller, Academic Senate Presid​ent
Dr. Maria Aguilar Beltran, Faculty Representative
Craig Rutan, 
Faculty Representative
Matthew Beyersdorf, FARSCCD Representative​  
ASG Student Representative,​​
ASG Student Representative

Roxana Pleitez,​​
Classified Representative
​Veronica Munoz,​
Classified Representative
Classified Representative,


2024 - 2025 Meeting Schedule​ -- Meetings: 3:30 - 5 pm or as otherwise noted​ (see agenda for location)

Age​​​​n​​d​a w​​i​​​th M​aterials​​​​​ Additional Handouts ​​Minutes​​​

July (no meeeting scheduled/dark)

Wednesday, August 28

​August 28, 2024
Wednesday, September 25

September 25, 2024
Wednesday, October 23

​October 23, 2024
​Wednesday, November 13

​November 13, 2024
​Wednesday, December 18

December 18, 2024

​Wednesday, January 22
​January 22, 2025
​Wednesday, February 26

​February 26, 2025
​Wednesday, March 26

​March 26, 2025
​Wednesday, April 23
​April 23, 2025
​Wednesday, May 28
​May 28, 2025
Wednesay, June 25​
​June 25, 2025

Past Meeting Agendas and Minutes:
