Message from our Board of Trustees and Chancellor
While working and learning remotely for the past months, we have weathered this pandemic storm together, yet we must remain strong as it continues. The Board of Trustees, District administration, and our Faculty Senate have been working together with all employee groups and student representatives to determine the best path forward. We have also surveyed our students and employees to ensure their voices are part of the decision-making process.
With the spike in coronavirus cases and deaths in Orange County, as a District we have made the difficult decision to hold the majority of our fall semester classes in a remote environment. While we understand that face-to-face teaching and learning is the ideal situation for all of us, we must always put your health and safety first. This means making these difficult decisions.
Following national, state and local guidelines, all of us on campus and in the District office are required to wear masks and adhere to social distancing measures that will equally be implemented in all classrooms, labs, and offices.
We will enact two stages in our current operations, which will be subject to change, based on state and local guidelines.
Stage I – Began August 2020
Classes are held using a variety of online methods, with the majority being remote. Offices are open with key essential personnel. Masks are being worn and social distancing remains in place.
The Colleges have facilities open so that we can continue to provide access to computers and services for our students.
We know there are courses that cannot be delivered online and remotely. Therefore, in-person instruction will take place for essential workers and industries, such as water and wastewater, first responders, health care, and this includes labs and career education classes.
The Colleges will continue to provide online support services, including student technical support and a small level of on campus support services, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Health and Wellness Centers and access to the library and computer labs. These offices will have limited hours and require an appointment for on-campus access.
Per direction from the California Community College Athletic Association, all fall semester intercollegiate athletics have been moved to the spring semester.
We are working closely with our Child Development Services staff to identify the best way forward to continue care, service and education for our youngest students in our care.
Stage II – To be determined by Governor Newsom and local public health agencies
Based on state and local guidelines, when we begin to consider moving into Stage II we will do so incrementally, increasing areas from Stage 1.
Administrators will evaluate opening more offices to additional employees, moving courses to hybrid or in-person modalities, increasing student services on campus, and more employees returning to offices on campus and at the District office.
It is important that we all continue practicing good hygiene to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Regularly wash your hands for at least 20 seconds throughout the day with warm water and soap, specifically before eating. Cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Thank you for your commitment to health and safety and for being flexible and responsive as we navigate the changes we face on a daily basis. We are in this together and are honored to be part of the RSCCD family.
Should you have any questions or concerns, we invite you to submit them through our special e-mail address specifically for COVID-19 related issues:
Claudia Alvarez President, Board of Trustees | Marvin Martinez Chancellor |