Child Development Services

Guidelines to for a Safe Return to the Workplace

Phased Opening 

Stage 1

As mandated by any State, Federal and or District guidelines in response to

COVID-19, all instruction will be provided virtually through distance learning (full day and part day) and home visits will also be provided virtually .

Full day and part day teachers will be responsible for the following:

      • ​Daily group contact/instruction for a minimum of 30 minutes via Zoom or other virtual platform .
      • ​Contact/instruction will consist of the delivery of a planned interactive lessons that will consist of a large and small group activity (similar to in person instruction) .
      • ​Daily planning using High Scope curriculum, Preschool Learning Foundations and Framework
      • ​Weekly family material preparation and contactless distribution (done in- center by appointment to maintain physical distancing)
      • ​Weekly virtual office hours for families
      • ​Monthly staff development requirement
      • ​Weekly staff meetings
      • ​DRDP are TBD

Home-base teachers will be responsible for the following:

      • ​Group size/case load will remain consistent with EHS mandate (up to 12)
      • ​Weekly 90-minute planned contact with each family via virtual platform or phone with all components of home visitation (parent/child interaction, developmental-centered parenting, family well-being)
      • ​Monthly socialization with all families on caseload via virtual platform
      • ​Weekly in office material preparation
      • ​Weekly material distribution to families
      • ​Assessments and other EHS will remain unchanged

Stage 2

When deemed appropriate by the State and or District, the Full day classrooms will reopen for face-to-face instruction and care for parenting students and essential workers .

      • ​Group size will be limited to 10 children per classroom to ensure physical distance requirement of six feet
      • ​Classroom ratios will be 10 children: 2 adults (1 teacher and 1 intern), which exceed CDE requirement of 1 teacher to 24 children and 1 adult to 8 children
      • ​​Center hours will be modified to support a cohort model that maintains children and teacher and intern as an exclusive group
      • ​Time out of the classroom will be consistent with CBA (3 .5 hours for group size of 10) and can be scheduled in accordance with the needs of the center and done from home .
      • ​DRDP and ECERs are TBD​

Part day and home base will continue to provide virtual distance learning and home visits .


Stage 3

When deemed appropriate by the State and or District, all programs (full day, part day, and home visits) will revert back to regular face-to-face care and education at the centers and home visits . All grant funding terms and condition and licensing regulations will revert to pre-pandemic guidelines and regulations .​