SAC Ranks #2 Statewide in Non-Credit and Total FTES for 2023-24

Santa Ana College Ranks #2 Statewide in Non-Credit and Total FTES for 2023-24


Santa Ana College (SAC) has achieved a remarkable milestone in the 2023-24 academic year, ranking #2 statewide for Non-Credit Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) and #2 overall for Total FTES (credit and non-credit) according to a recent California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Data Mart report. This recognition highlights SAC's commitment to providing accessible, quality education to diverse populations, ranging from workforce development to adult learners and high school students.

These impressive rankings underscore the college’s central role in fostering educational advancement in the local community and beyond. SAC has continually expanded its reach through programs that cater to various educational needs and flexible learning opportunities for students. Key initiatives such as workforce training, dual enrollment, adult education, and partnerships with public agencies, non-profits, and businesses have driven this growth.

Workforce Training and Adult Learners Fuel Growth

President Annebelle Nery credits SAC's rise in both credit and non-credit FTES to a well-rounded and inclusive educational strategy. "Our success is deeply rooted in our emphasis on workforce training and adult education, which meet the needs of the community," said Nery. "Our programs are designed to provide practical skills that immediately translate into employment opportunities for our students, which is critical in today’s economy."

SAC’s workforce training programs offer industry-specific certifications and degrees that meet the demands of the region's job market. These programs attract not just traditional students but also adult learners seeking to re-skill or upskill in a competitive job environment. The college’s success in attracting adult learners, particularly in non-credit programs, has significantly contributed to its top ranking.

"We've seen a steady increase in adult learners enrolling in our non-credit programs, which offer a flexible, low-cost entry point to higher education and workforce development," added Nery. "These programs empower individuals to improve their skills, making them more competitive in the labor market and enhancing their overall economic stability."

Expanding Dual Enrollment Programs

SAC’s innovative approach to dual enrollment programs has also played a key role in its growth. These programs allow high school students to earn college credit while completing their high school education, accelerating their path to a degree or certificate. As a result, SAC has forged stronger relationships with local high schools, charter schools, privates, and non-profits, resulting in increased student participation.

"Our dual enrollment programs are making a profound impact on high school students, especially those who may not have otherwise considered college," said Nery. "By offering them a head start on their college education, we are opening doors to new opportunities and helping them realize their full potential."

Strong Partnerships Bolster Growth

The expansion of partnerships with public agencies, non-profits, and businesses has been a cornerstone of SAC’s strategy to provide relevant, high-quality education. These collaborations enable the college to offer programs aligned with local workforce needs, ensuring that students are equipped with skills that employers value.

"SAC is proud of the partnerships we’ve built across different sectors," Nery said. "These relationships have enabled us to develop programs that directly benefit our community, providing education that leads to well-paying jobs and fulfilling careers."

Notable partnerships include collaborations with healthcare providers, law enforcement agencies, and local government, which have resulted in tailored training programs that align with industry standards and job market demands.

Commitment to Access and Flexibility

President Nery emphasized the importance of providing access to education and the flexibility to meet students' diverse needs. "These rankings reflect that we are fulfilling our mission to provide access to higher education for all," she said. "We are committed to offering flexible learning options that enable students to complete their educational goals, whether they are pursuing a degree, transferring to a four-year university, or acquiring skills for immediate employment."

SAC has made significant investments in online and hybrid learning, enabling students to pursue their education while balancing work, family, and other responsibilities. This flexibility has been instrumental in attracting a wider range of students, contributing to the college’s growing FTES.

Looking Forward

As Santa Ana College celebrates its recent success, President Nery is quick to recognize the efforts of the college's faculty, staff, and leadership in reaching this milestone. "We are incredibly proud of the work our faculty, classified professionals, and leadership have done to serve the most students and our local communities," Nery said. "Their dedication has been key to our growth, and we will continue to build on this success by expanding our programs and partnerships to meet the evolving needs of our students."

Looking ahead, SAC aims to maintain its strong growth trajectory by focusing on workforce development, expanding access to dual enrollment, and strengthening community partnerships. With these initiatives, the college is well-positioned to remain a leader in California's higher education and workforce training.

Santa Ana College’s #2 statewide ranking in both Non-Credit and Total FTES is not only a testament to its past achievements but also a reflection of its unwavering commitment to the future of its students and the broader community.

Contact: Chi-Chung Keung

Phone: 714-480-7503
