AR- 2105 - Administrative Regulations - Board of Trustees

AR 2105 Selection and Regulations of Student Trustee


The Student Trustee shall be selected by the following process:


1.   Interested students must submit an application, accompanied by a resume, at their home campuses' Student Life   office by the election deadline.  If a resume is not included with the application, the applicant will not be eligible.

2.   Applicants are required to perform a brief presentation of introduction and any other necessary information regarding their candidacy and qualifications at a Board of Trustees meeting prior to the spring elections held at both credit colleges.

3.   The Associated Student Government Advisors, from both Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College, shall review the applications to ensure that each candidate meets the following criteria:

a.    Current RSCCD student.

b.    Current enrollment in 6 or more units.

c.    Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher at the time of application.

d.   Verifiable RSCCD student government/organization experience, defined as the completion of one traditional semester as a voting member in the ASG Senate, Executive Cabinet, or ICC Executive Board, ICC Representatives, Judicial Branch, Directors of Student Involvement and Commissioners from ASGSAC. 

e.   Completion of at least 12 units at either Santiago Canyon College and/or Santa Ana College within the past two (2) academic years prior to the time of application.

f.    Meets RSCCD employment requirements. 

g.   Has not previously served any part of a Student Trustee term at RSCCD or any other California Community College, with the exception of an acting Student Trustee capacity, under the Vacancy section below.

h.   Must be in good disciplinary standing and must not have pending disciplinary action in RSCCD.


4.   All eligible Student Trustee applicants will be placed on the Associated Student election ballot at each credit college for student voting in the spring.   The candidate receiving the plurality of the combined votes at both colleges shall be elected as the Student Trustee.

Term of Office

5.   June first (1st) to May thirty-first (31st) shall be the term of the Student Trustee.  No person may serve for more than one term.

6.   The new Student Trustee shall be oriented and trained by the outgoing Student Trustee prior to assuming office on June 1st.

7.   The eligibility requirement (under Eligibility section above) must be maintained throughout the term of office.

8.   The Board of Trustees President or designee will act as a mentor to the Student Trustee to provide guidance throughout term.

9.   One mentoring activity will be provided to the Student Trustee by the Chancellor upon assuming office, ensuring the incoming Student Trustee understands the inherent roles and responsibilities.


10.   The duties and responsibilities of the RSCCD Student Trustee shall include, but are not limited to the following:

a.  Participate in mentoring activities with members of the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor throughout the year as appropriate.

b.   Will identify an Administrator from either SAC or SCC as an advisor to cultivate leadership growth throughout their term.

c.    Attend at least one of the following meetings per campus:  an ASGSAC and ASGSCC Executive Cabinet, ASGSAC and ASGSCC Senate, CEC and OEC Student Leadership, or similar leadership groups, and SAC and SCC Advisors once a month in each semester.

d.   Attend meetings of the Board of Trustees and act as the primary liaison between the RSCCD Board of Trustees and the Associated Students of Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College, including CEC and OEC.

e.   Fulfill all duties and responsibilities of a Student Trustee as stated in the California Education Code and the RSCCD Board of Trustees policies including BP 2105 and BP 2715.

f.    Complete mid-semester grade check and submit to the Office of Student Life Coordinators.

g.   Enroll in and complete 6 units per semester and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA for the semester and overall.  (Non-compliance with this requirement will result in removal from office).

11. The Student Trustee shall be voting member on the RSCCD Board of Trustees (however, the vote is advisory) and a non-voting member on the ASGSAC and ASGSCC Executive Cabinets.  The Student Trustee shall be independent from all other members of the ASGSAC and ASGSCC as a paid employee of the District.


12. Should the Student Trustee resign, be dismissed, or recalled, the two college credit student presidents shall alternate attending Board meetings as the acting Student Trustee until a special election is held.  Service as the acting Student Trustee does not count toward the one-year term limit in Section 2 g. above.

13.  The Student Trustee must comply with the duties outlined above or be subject to a fact-finding investigation to determine possible noncompliance of the Student Trustee's duties by an AD HOC committee. The student members comprising the committee will be considered voting members while the Advisor or Associate Dean of Student Life and Leadership will be present to provide guidance and fairness to all parties.   The committee will be comprised of:

a.    Each campus ASG President and Vice-President.

b.    One Supreme Court Justice, and one Senator from each campus.

c.    An ASG Advisor or Associate Dean of Student Life and Leadership.

d.   A 2/3 vote of the total voting  committee membership determining there is noncompliance with the Student Trustee  is needed to move the impeachment process forward to a joint SACASG and SCCASG Senate meeting.  Less than a 2/3 vote will yield no action. 


14.  A Special Meeting comprised of both SACASG and SCCASG Senate branches will be co-chaired by the ASGSAC and ASGSCC Chief Justices to determine if there is noncompliance of the Student Trustee. Both campuses' ASG Advisors or Associate Deans of Student Life and Leadership will be present to provide guidance and fairness to the process.  The combined branches must have a majority of Senators present to meet quorum, which will be based on all eligible Senators from both campuses. If quorum is not met, the joint meeting will be rescheduled.  If quorum is met, the Chief Justices will make a presentation of the evidence/findings of noncompliance of the Student Trustee to the Senate branches. At this meeting the Student Trustee will have the opportunity to speak on the alleged evidence of noncompliance as well as have her Board of Trustees mentor be present and speak on her behalf. A 2/3 vote of all senators present is needed to schedule a recall election for the removal of the Student Trustee.

15.  The recall election to remove the Student Trustee from their position will be successful if a simple majority of students who voted, voted in favor of the removal. The yielded voting average of the last three annual ASG elections at both Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College will determine the threshold of votes needed for a successful removal. The election shall not be sufficient to remove the student trustee unless the number of students who vote in the election equals, or exceed the average of the number of student voters who voted in the previous three ASG elections. The voting average will also be determined by the total number of unduplicated voters in said elections.

16.  The ASG President or a designee at each campus will be responsible for relaying all necessary information regarding the special election to their respective student body.

17.   As per California Assembly Bill AB 1358 Section 1b, the Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College ASGs who have adopted Student Representation Fee legislation are authorized to use said funds in order to promote the special election.


Revised February 16, 2016

Revised September 19, 2016