AR 7150.1 Administrative Regulations - Human Resources

AR 7150.1 Confidential Employee Evaluation Procedure

1.    Frequency of Evaluation

Newly appointed confidential employees will serve a probationary period of 12 months.  Probationary confidential employees will be evaluated upon completion of their 4th and 11th months of employment.  Permanent confidential employees will be evaluated every three years on or near their anniversary date.  Additional evaluations may be completed at the request of the immediate supervisor.

2.    Evaluation Responsibility

The Human Resources Office will send the Confidential Employee Performance Evaluation Form to the immediate supervisor at least one month prior to the deadline for the evaluation.  The immediate supervisor will be responsible for completing the evaluation prior to the deadline indicated on the form.

3.   Evaluation Procedures

A.   The immediate supervisor and the confidential employee will agree on a distribution list for the evaluation forms that will be sent out to staff.  This distribution list must include all full-time employees who directly work with the Confidential Employee.  In addition, the distribution list should include other employees that the Confidential Employee routinely works with outside his/her Department and may include other Confidential employees, Classified staff, Managers/Supervisors, representatives from outside agencies, and part-time staff as deemed appropriate by the immediate supervisor.

The Distribution List will be forwarded to Human Resources for the electronic dissemination and collection of the evaluation forms.

When Human Resources receives the completed evaluation forms, the results will be tabulated and the written comments will be reproduced to maintain anonymity of respondents.  A copy of the tabulated results and the written comments will be forwarded to the immediate supervisor.

B.   The immediate supervisor will complete the Confidential Employee Performance Evaluation Form and review it with the employee.

C.   Any ratings of “Does Not Meet Standards” on the appraisal form must be accompanied by specific recommendations, time periods for improvement, and possible provisions for assisting the employee in implementing any recommendations.

D.   The employee and the immediate supervisor must sign the appraisal form.  By signing the appraisal form, the employee is acknowledging that he/she has read the appraisal and received a copy. Signing the appraisal form is not an indication that the employee agrees or disagrees with the content of the evaluation.

E.   The employee will be informed at the evaluation meeting of the right to prepare a written response to the evaluation and to have that response attached to the appraisal form.

F.   The supervisor will be responsible for submitting the signed appraisal form to the Human Resources Office for placement in the employee’s personnel file.

G.   The employee shall have thirty (30) calendar days to prepare a written response to the evaluation and submit that response to the Human Resources Office.

Responsible Manager:  Vice Chancellor of Human Resources

Revised:  February 2011

Renumbered: May 18, 2015 (Previously AR7008.2)

Revised:  September 19, 2016