Honoring First Responders in the Rancho Santiago Community College District
Resolution No. 18-18
WHEREAS, on September 11, 2001, our nation was changed forever by the attacks that killed 2,977 people and injured over 6,000 others. Out of this tragedy came a heightened appreciation for first responders, the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect the public in times of danger - 403 of whom lost their lives that day; and
WHEREAS, in the years since 9/1 I, many more disasters-man-made and natural - have reaffinned the importance and courage of these essential public servants. Most recently, first responders have played a critical, lifesaving role in the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey; and
WHEREAS, in Orange County and in the Rancho Santiago Community College District, we rely on our first responders - both fire and police departments - to respond to dangerous fires, floods, earthquakes, and other natural and man-made disasters and incidents; and
WHEREAS, The Rancho Santiago Community College District, has a proud history of partnership with public safety agencies. For over 47 years, Santa Ana College has enjoyed a successful partnership with the Orange County Sheriffs Depattrnent as evidenced by the Orange County Sheriff's Regional Training Academy in Tustin; and
WHEREAS, Santa Ana College is also home to one the state's largest and oldest fire technology programs, the Santa Ana College Fire Academy program administered under the guidance of the Orange County Fire Chiefs' Association;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of the Rancho Santiago Community College District that the first responders who protect the public in Orange County and especially the cities served by the District -- Anaheim Hills, Orange, Santa Ana, Villa Park, and portions of Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Irvine, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, and Tustin - as well as the District's own Security and Public Safety officers are to be commended for their timely response in times of crisis and their courageous efforts on behalf of area residents. The appreciation and thanks of the District, its employees, and its students are hereby conveyed by the adoption of this Resolution.
Dated this 10th day of September 2018.
Ayes: 7 Trustees: Alvarez, Barrios, Hanna, Hernandez, Labrado, Mendoza, Yarbrough
Noes: 0 Trustees
Absent: 0 Trustees
Anbstain: 0 Trustees

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