Resolution Affirming RSCCD’s Commitment to Actively Strategize and Take Action Against Structural Racism
Resolution No. 20-10
Whereas, Rancho Santiago Community College District Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and students are hurting and outraged due to systemic racial injustices that still exist in the country; and
Whereas, RSCCD has the opportunity to transform communities by training law nforcement officers and first responders in unconscious/implicit bias, de-escalation training with cultural sensitivity, and community-oriented/de-militarized approaches, and
Whereas, RSCCD pledges to host open dialogue and address campus climate affected by the murder of George Floyd and other racial injustices, ongoing violence projected in the news, poverty and inequality by becoming our community’s hub for dialog and having open and honest conversations between our students, faculty, staff and administrators as to how we will come together as an educational community to keep building inclusive and safe learning environments; and
Whereas, the district’s campus leaders must look at overall campus climate, engaging faculty leaders in a comprehensive review of all courses and programs, including non-credit, adult education, and workforce training programs, to audit classroom climate and develop action plans to create inclusive classrooms and anti-racism curriculum, hosting
open dialogue and addressing campus climate; and
Whereas, the district and college teams must develop action plans that provide proactive support for faculty and staff in evaluating classroom learning cultures, curriculum, lesson plans and syllabi, and course evaluation protocols, looking
comprehensively at inclusive curriculum that goes beyond a single course, such as ethnic studies, and evaluate all courses for diversity of representation and culturally-relevant content; and
Whereas, Rancho Santiago Community College District leaders agree to have candid conversations about the limitations and barriers to pushing the equity plans and agenda further, and where there are opportunities and support to accelerate the work; and
Whereas, RSCCD will pull together a cross-campus team, including research, human resources, technology, faculty, support services, classified staff and others to focus on naming the barriers, identifying solutions to rally the full college district to engage in meeting the needs; and
Whereas, RSCCD shall address and fully implement a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) integration plan in a shortened time frame; and
Whereas, the Rancho Santiago Community College District wishes to affirm its commitment to improving outcomes for all of its students, using its position of privilege, influence and power to make a difference and actively strategize and take action against structural racism; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Rancho Santiago Community College District that:
Rancho Santiago Community College District commits to improving outcomes for all of its students, faculty, and staff using its position of influence and power to make a difference and actively strategize and take action against structural racism.
Dated the 15th day of June, 2020.
Ayes: 6 Trustees: Alvarez, Barrios, Hanna, Hernandez, Labrado, Yarbrough
Noes: 0 Trustees
Absent: 0 Trustees
Abstain: 0 Trustees

Marvin Martinez
Secretary to the Board of Trustees
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