- Type A issues listed with the pink exclamation mark icon
are the highest priority to be fixed as soon as possible:
- Click on “Alternative text for the image is a file name” to list all web pages having this type of issue:
- The top part gives a description of the selected issue "Alternative text for the image is a file name". Also, it describes how to fix it:
- Click on “Admissions & Records” to go the
Page Report:
- Click on the “IMG Empty” under “Instances on this page” on the left panel. The right panel highlights which part of the actual web page is having this issue.
- Relate the issue description from the left panel with the actual code from the right panel:
- Now that the issue is identified and know the fix for it, click the URL under “Admission & Records” from the top of the page to open the web page in a new browser window:
- Fix the issue on the web page by logging into SharePoint,
save and
publish the page.
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