Metric Definitions
Common definitions have been established by the vice presidents of SAC-SCE and SCC-SCE in collaboration with
Research Department so that meaning is added to data analyzed consistently over time.
Academic Year (AY): The academic year begins each Summer, and consists of three semesters (Summer, Fall and Spring).
Fiscal Year (FY): The fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
Annual Persistence: First-time students who attended 12 or more hours in at least one course in a given year (cohort year)
and attended 12 or more hours in at least one course in the subsequent year.
First-time students: Students who enrolled for the first time at SAC-SCE/SCC-SCE since the implementation of Colleague (Summer 2009)
Headcount: Unduplicated count of all students served who utilized student supportive or career services funded, including orientation, assessment, academic and/or career counseling/referral, as well as other related activities and/or enrolled in non-credit courses irrespective of attendance (contact hours) or funding source. Note that Academic Computing Center, Math and Learning Center participants were excluded from SAC-SCE count (end-of-term data,
Location = college identifier,
Student_Seat.Status =
Drop). Students enrolled in multiple semesters are counted only once for the academic year.
Semester Persistence: First-time students who attended 12 or more hours in at least one course in a given semester (cohort)
and attended 12 or more hours in at least one course in the subsequent semester.
Transition to College Credit: Number of students who enrolled at RSCCD (SAC/SCC) for the first time in a given year (cohort year) and who were enrolled at SAC- SCE and SCC-SCE, respectively any semester since the implementation of Colleague (Summer 2009) prior to the cohort year.
Grading Scheme (Hours of attendance>=12):
- Completion: A, B, C, D, P, COM
- Successful Completion: A, B, C, P, COM
- Satisfactory Progress: SP, IP
- Non-Completion: F, NP, NC
- Non-Successful Completion: D, F, NP, NC
- Ungraded: AT, blank