Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing is a service in the RSCCD Publications department that provides professionally created documents from supplied content.
The desktop publishing staff can be contacted, via email, or phone.
Nancy Smith (SAC) | (714) 564-6746 |
David Styffe (SCC) | (714) 628-5953 |
Desktop publishers use supplied text files, illustrations, and photographs to create layouts for a wide range of documents from single-page forms to multiple-page books. They work closely with the graphic designers to complete multiple-page documents such as class schedules, catalogs, handbooks, and sports media guides. This service also develops print-ready files for business cards, letterhead, forms, booklets and maps.
Completed desktop publishing documents are given a unique job number so that files can be archived and retrieved for future printings.
- Documents are created from either MAC or Windows files.
- Requestors submit electronic and hard copy text files created in MSWord, and photos or illustrations as e-files or art to be scanned.
- Requestors are asked to develop the content of their publications that are developed for an external audience with the help of the information coordinator at their site.
- All requests require a completed publications job request form with an administrator or dean’s approval signature.
- Business card requests are subject to HR approval if the request is for a new position or a new hire. Reprints of existing business cards do not require HR approval. There is a chargeback to the requestor's department for ALL business cards. A Datatel account ending in 5940 (reproductive services) must be supplied along with the administrator's approval on the business card form at the time of the request.
- Requestors are responsible for all content accuracy and mailing requirements. Proofs will be supplied as the job progresses through the production phase. Timely and accurate proofing is the responsibility of the requestor.