Michelle Ramos

​​​​​​​​​​Michelle Ramos joined the RSCCD Publications Center team in June 2018 as a Reprographics Technician after spending 14 years in the private sector honing her print production skills. Michelle tends to a wide variety of tasks in the RSCCD Publications Center ranging from black-and-white and color printing on the department's high-speed digital printers, printing and finishing over-sized banners and posters, assisting customers with WebCRD, the department's online submission system, to performing a variety of finishing tasks.

During the COVID-19 pandemics, Michelle's customer service skills have also been beneficial in assisting the Graphic Communications department with project coordination from intake to fulfillment.


​(714) 480-7500 
cmax@rsccd.edu ​​


Have something you'd like for us to review or create for you? 
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Use Google Chrome for best experience​.


Need something printed? Submit your request in WebCRD. 