Management Team Association | Constitution


Section 1.

The name of this organization shall be the MANAGEMENT TEAM ASSOCIATION (MTA) of Rancho Santiago Community College District.

Section 2.

The MTA is the professional organization for employees of the Rancho Santiago Community College District (RSCCD) identified on the Management/ Supervisory/Confidential Salary Schedule. The MTA provides professional development opportunities, represents managers in salary and benefit discussions through a meet and confer process, represents managers in other various forums, provides opportunities for networking, collaboration and social interaction, facilitates mentoring opportunities, and serves as the collective voice of managers in the RSCCD.

Section 3.

The MTA does not take political positions, endorse or oppose any candidates for political office, lobby or otherwise engage in any political activity.

Article II - MEMBERSHIP   

Section 1.

Any person paid on the Management/Supervisory/Confidential Salary Schedule, regularly employed by the RSCCD in such identified positions, including those in interim appointments, shall be eligible for membership in this organization.

Section 2.

An individual, who is eligible for membership and is current with paid membership dues, is considered a member of the organization and eligible to all rights and responsibilities associated with membership, including voting, holding office and participating in member events.


Section 1.

The Officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice President/President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, one (1) each from Santa Ana College (SAC), Santiago Canyon College (SCC) and the District Services (DS). The Executive Board of this organization includes these eight (8) officers as well as the chairs of the standing committees (as identified in Article IV Section 1.A in the Bylaws).

Section 2.

Term of Office. The officers of the Executive Board shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, with the exception of the position of Treasurer, which will be elected for a term of two (2) years. The following shall be elected from the regular membership: President, Vice President/President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. The SAC, SCC and DS representatives will be elected from the managers they represent. The appointed committee chairs may have varying terms (as identified in Article IV Section 1.A in the Bylaws.)

Section 3.

Vacancies. Vacancies in the offices of this organization shall be appointed by the President, except the office of Vice President/President Elect. In case of a vacancy in the office of Vice President/President Elect, there shall be a special election to fill out the term of vacancy. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President/President Elect will fill out the term of vacancy, leaving the Vice President/President Elect unfilled until the next election cycle.


Section 1.

A recommendation to revise or amend the Constitution or Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to all members and shall include a "Statement of Reason" as part of the recommendation. Copies of the proposed revision or amendment shall be circulated at least fourteen (14) working days prior to calling for a vote on the recommendation. A working day is defined as any day when the district and campus administrative offices are open.

Section 2.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for conduct of affairs of this organization providing that they do not conflict with the Constitution or Bylaws.


Section 1.

The Executive Board is authorized to levy membership dues that may be necessary for any operational expenses and in accordance with the organizations purpose including professional development, speakers, social activities, refreshments, supplies, and other reasonable and related costs as determined by the Executive Board. An increase in the amount set for an individual membership must be approved by a vote of the membership.


Section 1.

MTA may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of the current membership. Any remaining assets held in the name of the association will be distributed to the two colleges based on the current FTES split to be used for student scholarships.

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Approved October 8, 2019